home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @echo off
- cls
- rem Check available environment space
- set env_chk=0123456789abcdef
- if %env_chk% == 0123456789abcdef goto preprocess
- goto env_bad
- :preprocess
- set env_chk=
- if NOT "%_silent%" == "" goto env_ok
- set _silent=TRUE
- if "%2" == "silent" %0 %1
- if "%2" == "SILENT" %0 %1
- if "%1" == "silent" %0 %2
- if "%1" == "SILENT" %0 %2
- set _silent=FALSE
- :env_ok
- rem Check that OS (%1) and destination (%2) are supplied and valid
- set dest=
- if "%2" == "" set dest=A:
- if "%2" == "A:" set dest=A:
- if "%2" == "a:" set dest=A:
- if "%2" == "A:\" set dest=A:
- if "%2" == "a:\" set dest=A:
- if "%2" == "B:" set dest=B:
- if "%2" == "b:" set dest=B:
- if "%2" == "B:\" set dest=B:
- if "%2" == "b:\" set dest=B:
- if "%dest%" == "" goto setdest
- set _mdisk_floppy=TRUE
- goto dest_ok
- :setdest
- set dest=%2
- set _mdisk_floppy=FALSE
- goto dest_ok
- :dest_ok
- if not exist ..\VERFILE.TIC goto wrongdir
- if "%1" == "xp32fe" goto valid
- if "%1" == "XP32FE" goto valid
- if "%1" == "XP32GIG" goto valid
- if "%1" == "xp32gig" goto valid
- if "%1" == "w2kfe" goto valid
- if "%1" == "W2KFE" goto valid
- if "%1" == "w2kgig" goto valid
- if "%1" == "W2KGIG" goto valid
- goto invalid
- :invalid
- goto usage
- :valid
- if "%dest%" == "A:" goto floppy
- if "%dest%" == "B:" goto floppy
- goto nofloppy
- :nofloppy
- set mode=nofloppy
- cls
- echo The destination you specified (%dest%) does not
- echo appear to be a diskette. If you are trying to create a diskette,
- echo press Control-C and answer Y. Then enter this command again, being sure
- echo enter the drive letter without a trailing backslash (A: or B:).
- echo.
- echo If you do want the files copied to %dest%,
- if "%_silent%" == "FALSE" pause
- goto cont_1
- :floppy
- set mode=floppy
- cls
- if exist %dest%\*.* echo !! THIS DISKETTE DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE FORMATTED !!
- echo.
- echo Please be sure that the disk in %dest% is 1.44 meg, formatted non-bootable and
- echo has no pre-existing files. To format the diskette, press Control-C
- echo and answer Y, then enter the command FORMAT %dest%. Otherwise,
- if "%_silent%" == "FALSE" pause
- goto cont_1
- :cont_1
- if not exist ..\verfile.tic goto wrongdir
- if "%1" == "xp32fe" goto XP32_FE
- if "%1" == "XP32FE" goto XP32_FE
- if "%1" == "XP32GIG" goto XP32_Gig
- if "%1" == "xp32gig" goto XP32_Gig
- if "%1" == "w2kfe" goto W2K_FE
- if "%1" == "W2KFE" goto W2K_FE
- if "%1" == "w2kgig" goto W2K_Gig
- if "%1" == "W2KGIG" goto W2K_Gig
- goto usage
- :XP32_FE
- cls
- echo.
- echo Copying files to %dest%
- echo.
- copy ..\verfile.tic %dest%
- if not exist %dest%\verfile.tic goto NOCOPY
- md %dest%\PRO100
- md %dest%\PRO100\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WINXP32\e100b325.cat %dest%\PRO100\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WINXP32\e100b325.din %dest%\PRO100\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WINXP32\e100b325.inf %dest%\PRO100\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WINXP32\e100b325.sys %dest%\PRO100\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WINXP32\e100bmsg.dll %dest%\PRO100\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WINXP32\intelnic.dll %dest%\PRO100\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WINXP32\PROUnstl.exe %dest%\PRO100\WINXP32
- echo.
- echo Base driver files have been copied to diskette.
- echo Advanced Networking Features must be installed from
- echo a CD-ROM drive, or over the network after a connection
- echo to your network file service is established.
- echo.
- if "%_mdisk_floppy%" == "FALSE" goto end
- echo Intel(R) PRO/100 LAN Adapter Configuration and
- echo Microsoft Windows XP Drivers (Release # from your CD)
- echo.
- goto end
- :W2K_FE
- cls
- echo.
- echo Copying files to %dest%
- echo.
- copy ..\verfile.tic %dest%
- if not exist %dest%\verfile.tic goto NOCOPY
- md %dest%\PRO100
- md %dest%\PRO100\WIN2K
- rem 10/100 specific files (IA 32)
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WIN2K\e100bnt5.cat %dest%\PRO100\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WIN2K\e100bnt5.din %dest%\PRO100\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WIN2K\e100bnt5.inf %dest%\PRO100\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WIN2K\e100bnt5.sys %dest%\PRO100\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WIN2K\e100bmsg.dll %dest%\PRO100\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WIN2K\intelnic.dll %dest%\PRO100\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO100\WIN2K\PROUnstl.exe %dest%\PRO100\WIN2K
- echo.
- echo Base driver files have been copied to diskette.
- echo Advanced Networking Features must be installed from
- echo a CD-ROM drive, or over the network after a connection
- echo to your network file service is established.
- echo.
- if "%_mdisk_floppy%" == "FALSE" goto end
- echo Intel(R) PRO/100 LAN Adapter Configuration and
- echo Microsoft Windows 2000 Drivers (Release # from your CD)
- echo.
- goto end
- :XP32_Gig
- cls
- echo.
- echo Copying files to %dest%
- echo.
- copy ..\verfile.tic %dest%
- if not exist %dest%\verfile.tic goto NOCOPY
- md %dest%\PRO1000
- md %dest%\PRO1000\WINXP32
- rem Gigabit specific files (IA 32)
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WINXP32\e1000msg.dll %dest%\PRO1000\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WINXP32\e1000325.cat %dest%\PRO1000\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WINXP32\e1000325.din %dest%\PRO1000\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WINXP32\e1000325.inf %dest%\PRO1000\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WINXP32\e1000325.sys %dest%\PRO1000\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WINXP32\intelnic.dll %dest%\PRO1000\WINXP32
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WINXP32\PROUnstl.exe %dest%\PRO1000\WINXP32
- echo.
- echo Base driver files have been copied to diskette.
- echo Advanced Networking Features must be installed from
- echo a CD-ROM drive, or over the network after a connection
- echo to your network file service is established.
- echo.
- if "%_mdisk_floppy%" == "FALSE" goto end
- echo Intel(R) PRO/1000 LAN Adapter Configuration and
- echo Microsoft Windows XP Drivers (Release # from your CD)
- echo.
- goto end
- :W2K_Gig
- cls
- echo.
- echo Copying files to %dest%
- echo.
- copy ..\verfile.tic %dest%
- if not exist %dest%\verfile.tic goto NOCOPY
- md %dest%\PRO1000
- md %dest%\PRO1000\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WIN2K\e1000msg.dll %dest%\PRO1000\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WIN2K\e1000nt5.cat %dest%\PRO1000\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WIN2K\e1000nt5.din %dest%\PRO1000\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WIN2K\e1000nt5.inf %dest%\PRO1000\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WIN2K\intelnic.dll %dest%\PRO1000\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WIN2K\PROUnstl.exe %dest%\PRO1000\WIN2K
- copy /v ..\PRO1000\WIN2K\E1000NT5.SYS %dest%\PRO1000\WIN2K
- echo.
- echo Base driver files have been copied to diskette.
- echo Advanced Networking Features must be installed from
- echo a CD-ROM drive, or over the network after a connection
- echo to your network file service is established.
- echo.
- if "%_mdisk_floppy%" == "FALSE" goto end
- echo Intel(R) PRO/1000 LAN Adapter Configuration and
- echo Microsoft Windows 2000 Drivers (Release # from your CD)
- echo.
- goto end
- cls
- echo.
- echo Can not copy to %dest%.
- echo Please check your syntax and try again.
- goto usage
- :usage
- echo.
- echo Usage rules:
- echo MAKEDISK [operating system] [destination (optional)] [silent (optional)]
- echo.
- echo where [operating system] is the OS family you are creating the diskette for
- echo XP32FE = Microsoft Windows XP 10/100 based solutions
- echo XP32GIG = Microsoft Windows XP Gigabit based solutions
- echo W2KFE = Microsoft Windows 2000 10/100 based solutions
- echo W2KGIG = Microsoft Windows 2000 Gigabit based solutions
- echo.
- echo and where [destination] is the drive letter and path (such as A:)
- echo and where [silent] = run in silent mode (does not pause for user input)
- echo Do not add a trailing backslash (\) to the destination path.
- echo [destination] (will be A: if none specified) is expected to be formatted media.
- echo This utility MUST be run from the \MAKEDISK directory.
- echo.
- pause
- echo EXAMPLE:
- echo To create a Windows XP install diskette for 10/100 drivers in A:, from the
- echo MAKEDISK directory run:
- echo MAKE2KXP XP32FE
- echo.
- pause
- goto END
- :env_bad
- set env_chk=
- cls
- echo ERROR: Your computer does not have sufficient environment space to
- echo run this batch file. Please increase the available environment space
- echo and run this batch file again. To increase the avaiable environment
- echo space, please do the following;
- echo.
- echo DOS
- echo If you are running DOS, edit the CONFIG.SYS file and find the statement
- echo COMMAND=C:\(PATH)\COMMAND.COM /e:(number)
- echo where (path) is the directory path to your COMMAND.COM file and (number)
- echo is a numerical value. Increase the numerical value by at least 32.
- echo If this line does not exist, add the following line;
- echo Reboot the computer before running this batch file again.
- echo.
- echo Windows 2000 and Windows NT
- echo Click Start, then Run, then enter "CMD /E:4096" (without the quotes) to
- echo open a DOS window, and then re-run this batch file in that window.
- echo.
- echo Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME
- echo Click Start, then Run, then enter "COMMAND /E:4096" (without the quotes) to
- echo open a DOS window, and then re-run this batch file in that window.
- goto end
- :END
- set dest=
- set mode=
- set _silent=
- set _mdisk_floppy=